For Caregivers

Having spent two years living with and caring for my mother before her death, I have a tender heart for people traveling the caregiver’s journey, and I understand the complexity of feelings that come with it. After my mother took her leave of this world, I spent another year and a half getting our family home of fifty-plus years ready for sale, which required gutting our kitchen because of mold issues just two weeks after her passing—I went from providing elder care for my mom to elder care for our home. This monumental task also involved sorting through multiple generations of accumulated family possessions and making nonstop decisions about what to keep, what to let go, how to redistribute material objects sustainably, and how to grieve the loss of home and meaningful things.

I’d love to support you in your own caregiving journey, to look for the joy and gratitude amid the grief and challenge. And if you want to make the process of downsizing your belongings a spiritual journey, I would love to accompany you.